15 April 2023

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Health Benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong

Health Benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong

by Manuela Boyle
What are tai chi and qigong?
Tai chi is an ancient Chinese exercise that seeks to harmonise the mind and body. Commonly described as “meditation in motion, practising tai chi involves going through a series of movements slowly and consciously. Tai Chi has aspects of the physical, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual. Qigong is taken from the Tai Chi form. In both, we focus on finding our centre of balance and circulating our vital energy. Tai chi and qigong use the physical for...

15 April 2023

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Aloe Vera Juice To Reduce Oral Mucositis

Aloe Vera Juice To Reduce Oral Mucositis

by Manuela Boyle
Aloe vera offers a natural, cost-effective, low-risk possibility for alleviating symptoms of oral mucositis. The aloe vera plant has been used to treat topical burns. There is evidence suggesting it can be used for similar side effects with cancer treatment when taken by mouth. Studies have even shown promising evidence supporting aloe vera for gut inflammation. Aloe vera juice is a gooey, thick liquid made from the flesh of the aloe vera plant leaf. It can be used both topically and orally....

8 April 2023

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How Cancer Can Affect Your Family

How Cancer Can Affect Your Family

by Manuela Boyle
Cancer affects everyone in your family. But how it affects each person may differ. You may notice that your family routine changes during treatment. And your relationships with your family might also change. Cancer and your parents
Your parents might seem overprotective or try to take charge, whether you live at home or have not lived with them for years. They might ask a lot of questions or give advice you did not ask for. If your parents act this way, it might help to remember that they pr...

8 April 2023

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Social Relationships, Stress, & Cardiac Health

Social Relationships, Stress, & Cardiac Health

by Manuela Boyle
Work-related stressors, poor sleep, and emotional disturbances have been correlated with adult-related cardiovascular disease. Large bodies of research indicate that chronic stress, whether experienced in early life or as an adult, is linked to increased coronary heart disease risk. In particular, childhood adversity, including physical and sexual abuse in childhood, has been shown to relate to higher morbidity of cardiovascular events. Racism and discrimination create additional daily ...

27 March 2023

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How Our Emotions Effect Our Health And How To Control That

How Our Emotions Effect Our Health And How To Control That

by Manuela Boyle
Our emotions have a powerful effect on our body, giving it all sorts of stress related illnesses. Our mind creates our emotions. What we think is happening is the beginning of our emotional responses. Emotions begin with an event that we interpret, thus all emotions begin with the thoughts that are our interpretation and opinions based on our automatic habitual responses to certain events. We all know that everyone responds at times inappropriately to a situation because they have misinterp...

11 March 2023

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Sleep Disturbances and Dementia Risk

Sleep Disturbances and Dementia Risk

by Manuela Boyle
A good night’s sleep is so important for maintaining overall health and well-being, but recent research suggests that it can also have a critical impact on your risk of developing dementia. A recent study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine has linked three indicators of sleep disturbance – sleep-initiation insomnia, sleep-maintenance insomnia, and the use of sleep medications – with the likelihood of developing dementia. People who experience sleep-in...


  • The Institute for Functional Medicine
  • Society for Integrative Oncology
  • Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia
  • Australian Traditional-Medicine Society
  • British Naturopathic Association