3 November 2023

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Unleashing the Power of Siberian Ginseng: A Potent Adaptogen

Unleashing the Power of Siberian Ginseng: A Potent Adaptogen

by Geoff Beaty
Introduction: Nature's pharmacy holds a treasure trove of medicinal plants, and among them is Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus). Known for its exceptional adaptogenic properties, this herb has been revered in traditional medicine for centuries. From boosting energy levels to enhancing mental clarity, Siberian Ginseng has garnered attention as a natural remedy for various health concerns. In this blog, we will explore the incredible benefits and uses of Siberian Ginseng and she...

4 October 2023

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Unlocking the Power of Exercise for a Healthy Gut

Unlocking the Power of Exercise for a Healthy Gut

by Manuela Boyle
It's no secret that regular exercise is essential for overall health, but did you know it can also play a significant role in maintaining a healthy gut? Your gut is home to trillions of microorganisms that form your gut microbiota, and their well-being is intricately linked to your overall health. In recent years, research has shed light on the fascinating connection between exercise and gut health, and the findings are remarkable. Exercise, especially when personalised to your preferen...

3 October 2023

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Synbiotics for Easing Chemotherapy Side Effects in Breast Cancer Patients

Synbiotics for Easing Chemotherapy Side Effects in Breast Cancer Patients

by Manuela Boyle
Breast cancer has been on the rise, posing a growing threat to women's health worldwide. As the primary treatment, chemotherapy can be physically and emotionally taxing. However, a new study delves into the potential benefits of synbiotics – a combination of probiotics (beneficial gut bacteria) and prebiotics (non-digestible fibers that support bacterial growth) – in mitigating the common side effects of chemotherapy. In this study, 67 breast cancer patients participated, se...

10 September 2023

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The Healing Power of Art Therapy

The Healing Power of Art Therapy

by Manuela Boyle
Art therapy is a transformative process that utilizes creativity and professional guidance to aid individuals facing illness, trauma, or personal challenges. Through art, people can gain self-awareness, develop coping strategies, and find emotional expression. Art therapy professionals, trained in both art and therapy, are equipped to work with diverse individuals, helping them harness the therapeutic potential of art. Who Can Benefit from Art Therapy?
Art therapy is accessible to all, offer...

1 September 2023

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Prostate Health and Cancer Risk

Prostate Health and Cancer Risk

by Manuela Boyle
Prostate health is a topic of growing concern, and research is shedding light on the relationship between lifestyle choices and the risk of prostate cancer. Observational studies have unveiled intriguing connections that highlight the importance of making healthy choices to maintain optimal prostate health. Let's delve into the latest findings and recommendations for a well-rounded approach to prostate care. Insulin Resistance and Glucose Levels
Evidence suggests that individuals with he...

31 August 2023

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Common Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Women’s Health

Common Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Women’s Health

by Manuela Boyle
It's quite astonishing how a wide array of chemicals found both in our surroundings and consumer products can cast an impact on female reproductive health. These chemicals, known as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), have been identified as potential disruptors that link to concerns like early puberty, complications in pregnancy duration, and various reproductive abnormalities.  Picture this: a myriad of chemicals present in our surroundings and everyday products, subtly weavin...


  • The Institute for Functional Medicine
  • Society for Integrative Oncology
  • Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia
  • Australian Traditional-Medicine Society
  • British Naturopathic Association