Personalised Diets | Weight Management | Gold Coast

Personalised Diets and Weight Management

The relationship between cancer, diet, energy, muscle mass and optimal weight is extremely important. At Vitawell Wellness we focus on addressing your current nutritional status and develop the right diet for you.  "One size does not fit all" principle applies to your diet. Each person is unique and therefore variability exists between nutrient-sense diets.

We provide personalised and appropriate dietary plans before, during and after cancer treatments. We provide 7-days menu plans, shopping lists and recipes that reflect food preferences and sensitivities. The menu plans are easy to follow. Each food is selected for its specific content of nutrients. Healthy foods positively support your whole person wellness.

For some, reaching wellness means improving body weight, muscle mass, digestion, assimilation and gut microbiome. 

For some, reaching wellness means reducing body weight, improving muscle mass, digestion, bowel function and gut microbiome. Obesity and overweight have been shown to increase cancer risk. To know more about our weight loss program, please click the  'learn more' button below.


Personalised Diets | Weight Management | Gold Coast
Blueberries Improve Cardiometabolic Function
Vitamin B12 Sources, Function and Deficiencies
Oats During Chemotherapy
Cardamom Improves Digestive Health
The 5 Beneficial Effects of Bone Broth
A Delicious Paleo Granola Recipe


  • The Institute for Functional Medicine
  • Society for Integrative Oncology
  • Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia
  • Australian Traditional-Medicine Society
  • British Naturopathic Association